Aula virtual Humboldt


  /  Face-To-Face Online

Face-to-Face Online for individuals and businesses

What is Face-to-Face Online with Teacher?

Clase Face to face

Direct and live learning

Real-time communication with the teacher

Direct Interaction with other participants

Synchronous image and voice transmission

Collaborative learning

Use of all didactic resources of a traditional classroom

Face-to-face online offers the benefits of learning and interacting of a traditional course combined with all the possibilities of IT.

What are the two most positive aspects of F2F?
  • Virtual classroom dynamics, sharing screen content, sharing notes, exchanging documents, surfing the internet, etc.
  • Simply log in and follow the lesson

Being able to see the face in addition to the spoken word helps a lot and is more entertaining.

Where do I learn? Geographic flexibility

From home, from your office or from your vacation spot – without delay – you only need a good internet connection.

It is convenient to be able to follow lessons from everywhere and to practice speaking, the part that I consider most important.

How does it work? Intuitive technology

The virtual classroom is very easy to use and the teacher is always there to guide the students. Before we start, we’ll offer you a free technical verification session to check that everything is ready for the start of the course.

Which course can I choose? You decide!
  • One-to-one lessons: Tailor-made programs with high flexibility. 
  • Group Courses: Communication Courses with a maximum number of participants (in Spanish Courses there are only 4 students) to ensure the correct interactivity and progress of all students.
What am I learning? Programs tailored to your goals

We adapt to the needs of the students: We evaluate your knowledge and your opportunities for improvement and offer tailor-made courses:

  • Courses to reach a certain level
  • General content
  • Specific Programmes: Business Communication, Communication Skills, etc.
  • Intercultural training
  • Coaching in your job
What are the costs and the progress?

We have found out that the integration and the combination of different formats optimizes the training program. The online format allows a greater progress of the participant in less time,  in contrast to traditional courses.

Collaborative learning

Students work together through a virtual learning platform that structures the didactic material, facilitates collaboration and streamlines the entire learning process. They have a virtual classroom, which they share with the teacher. All materials used during the course can be accessed at any time. And besides, you can record the sessions and visualize them anytime.

The possibility to propose the topics that one wants to work on and also to practice speaking and conversation with the teacher.

An innovative training offer for you

All programs can be carried out in face-to-face online format. We can do the entire training online or combine the online course with traditional classroom formats within the company. Through the Combi Plus courses, you can combine your online course with a classroom course in our center in Barcelona.

A very participant-centered lesson. Dynamic, so you have to concentrate all the time and notice the rapid progress.

Face to face online

Our advisers will help you to design an efficient and flexible programme for you.

We invite you to try a free demo session with no obligation.